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Olivia the Pig Birthday Dress

I made a special birthday dress for the birthday girl. I used the Feliz party dress pattern, which means happy in Spanish. It certainly is a happy dress. It was also a lot of work, but it came together really nicely thanks to a wonderful, step by step sew-along on the Trillium Designs blog.

On […]

Birthday Party

Saturday afternoon, we had a little birthday party for Molly. My parents came up and Scott’s parents were in from Arkansas for a long-weekend visit. Molly has been obsessed with pigs for a while now, so we decided on an Olivia the Pig birthday theme. I decorated the cake…

Not my best work but […]

Birthday Presents, Part 1

After the parade and the rest of the morning at preschool, Molly came home to open her birthday presents from us. We usually do this separate from the rest of the party and

Here she is opening the much requested Little People Castle. A few weeks before her birthday, we had received a Fisher […]

Molly's 3rd birthday

We celebrated Molly’s birthday this weekend, a few days early so we could spend some time with my parents, too. Scott was sick so he wasn’t able to be with us, he was trying to rest up at home.

I improvised a pig cake for Molly. She loves the book “If You Give a […]

While Scott sleeps…

I came home from work to a quiet house. I knew that something was going on because the girls are almost always awake when I come in. I see that Scott has dozed off on the couch reading a book. I am surprised the girls are so quiet upstairs. I head up to look […]