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Birthday Presents, Part 1

After the parade and the rest of the morning at preschool, Molly came home to open her birthday presents from us. We usually do this separate from the rest of the party and

Here she is opening the much requested Little People Castle. A few weeks before her birthday, we had received a Fisher Price catalog in the mail with this castle in it. From day 1, she was asking for it for her birthday, Christmas, or any other occasion! When I found it on sale a few days before her birthday at Toys R Us, I couldn’t resist.

Molly spots her other gift – her new bike! She has outgrown her trike and is still too small for the bike Megan has recently outgrown. So she needed her own little bike. She saw Scott looking at the “Cupcake” bike online and decided that’s what she needed. She was thrilled to see it here for her birthday!

Happy birthday to my baby girl. I’m not sure where the time has gone, and how she’s already 4. The other day, she told me she’ll be 5 at her next birthday. While I know it’s true, I can hardly imagine.

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