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Molly's 3rd birthday

We celebrated Molly’s birthday this weekend, a few days early so we could spend some time with my parents, too. Scott was sick so he wasn’t able to be with us, he was trying to rest up at home.

I improvised a pig cake for Molly. She loves the book “If You Give a Pig a Pancake” and this seemed easier to make than a kitty (her other favorite animal). She loved it – she kept saying “That’s my pig cake” like that was what she’d been asking for all along. In reality, the only guidelines I got were “pink” and “chocolate” so I guess this fit the bill.

After dinner, we opened gifts. She received several new puzzles, lots of PJ’s, and various dolls.

Giving “Oopsie” Bear a hug. She had proclaimed her favorite color was green that morning, so I was thankful that they’d only had a green bear left the day I was shopping!

Playing with Megan and Grandpa. Megan was very fascinated with Molly’s new toys and had a bit of jealousy that she didn’t receive lots of new things, too. We all had to keep reminding her that her turn would come.

Rocking and singing a lullaby to her Strawberry Shortcake doll.

Three new friends.

All ready for cake. She sang Happy Birthday along with us and even blew out the candles like a pro.
Time is going by so quickly, I can’t believe my baby girl is three already. I can’t imagine where the time has gone – it seems like yesterday she was just a tiny little thing. Well, she still is, but compared to this baby, she sure does seem grown up!

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