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Megan is 5 today!

We had a great day together today. She woke up early-ish and came in to ask me if she was 5 yet. I said of course, gave her a big hug and told her “Happy birthday”. It was cold so I asked if she wanted to snuggle for a few minutes – she crawled right […]

Megan's 5th Birthday Party

We had Megan’s party today at the Young Chef’s Academy. She invited some friends from her class at school. They kids learned about making pizzas – they helped measure and mix up some dough, then made their pizzas.

While they baked, we sang “Happy Birthday” and she blew out her candles. Megan opened her […]

Megan's Birthday Skirt

I got Megan a shirt for her birthday that needed bottoms, so I decided to try making her a twirly skirt. I found some tutorials on the web, but just didn’t follow them well. I think I’m the kind of person who needs very specific and step by step instructions, so I found a pattern […]

Molly is 2!

Time really flies when you’re having fun. I can’t believe that Molly is 2 already! Seriously, it seems like just last week that I was pacing around the house, anxious and waiting to go into labor a week after my due date. But really, it was 2 years ago. Wow.

Molly is so sweet […]

I got a new toy!

So, my birthday is coming up in just a few days. Scott got me a new digital camera. It’s a Pentax K100D. It’s not something I necessarily needed, but it’s someting I’ve been wanting. And I am going to be 30, after all, so he wanted to do something special.

I had a film […]