I think the photos speak for themselves…
I think the photos speak for themselves… Megan got a scooter for Christmas a few years ago, and this spring she has really been riding it a lot. Of course, that meant Molly wanted to get in on the action. We decided to go ahead and get her one, too, and they’ve been riding them nearly every day they can play outside […] We took a train to Philadelphia on one day of our staycation last week, to visit the U Penn Museum of Archeology where they have an exhibit about ancient Egypt and mummies. Megan has been fascinated with this period of history, particularly with mummies, since she studied it last year. Viewing […] {this moment} – A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. Inspired by SouleMama. We went to spend Easter weekend at my parents’ house and the girls had a great time. They were up at 6:15 asking to go see if the Easter Bunny came…we managed to hold them off till 7, painfully. They were thrilled when they found their baskets…from the Easter Bunny and also purses with more […] |
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