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Christmas Card Photos

We decided to try out hands at taking our own Christmas photos this year. I am really happy with how they came out. Here are the ones we used on our card.

I had Scott take some of me with the girls, too. This was my favorite. […]

Christmas Tree Decorating

This was so not our typical Christmas tree experience. Normally, we go out to the tree farm and cut a tree a few weeks before Christmas. It’s almost always too big and needs trimmed down a bit. This year, since we planned to head out of town on Christmas afternoon, we decided to get a […]

Snow in November!

Yesterday Megan woke me up at 6:30 am to inform me that there was snow in the backyard. Except it was “Mommy, Mommy! There is SNOW in our BACKYARD! Come look!” Followed almost immediately by “Do I have to go to school today? I want to go play in the snow!” She did in […]


I took the girls Trick or Treating last night while Scott stayed home and handed out candy. For some reason, most of the towns around here don’t actually do Trick or Treating on Halloween night, and Friday nights are apparently definitely out. Regardless of what the calendar said, the girls and I had a […]

Molly's 3rd birthday

We celebrated Molly’s birthday this weekend, a few days early so we could spend some time with my parents, too. Scott was sick so he wasn’t able to be with us, he was trying to rest up at home.

I improvised a pig cake for Molly. She loves the book “If You Give a […]