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Fancy Hats

The girls had a blast visiting with at Scott’s parents’ house. Patsy has all sorts of fun things at her house that we don’t have at ours like a piano and the fancy old hats that she collects. The girls loved them and had to try them on. They were too cute not to take […]

Christmas Day

We really had a whirlwind on Christmas Day. We got up in the morning and opened gifts. We didn’t get a lot of photos because it got a little crazy. The girls had a blast opening presents!

Then while the girls played with their new toys, Scott and I got ready for our trip to […]

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve was spent watching holiday specials on DVD, The Grinch & so forth. I made the girls and I all matching jammies – tees with applique and pj pants. They were so cute on the girls…

Here’s the tree all decked out with the presents after Santa’s big delivery. I think the tiny […]

Christmas Baking

The weekend before Christmas, we made a trip to Jersey Shore to visit Nana for Christmas. My parents were also planning to go, so mom and I decided to take advantage of the time together and do a baking marathon. We both brought our favorite recipes and lots of ingredients. We spent most of the […]

Mr. Kitty

Mr. Kitty is our neighbor cat. The girls love him. When we first moved here, our neighbor warned us “Mr. Kitty is a grumpy kitty, be careful when you try to pet him.” Over the past few years of living here, he’s become less grumpy. When we come out front to go for a walk […]