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Christmas Day

We really had a whirlwind on Christmas Day. We got up in the morning and opened gifts. We didn’t get a lot of photos because it got a little crazy. The girls had a blast opening presents!

Then while the girls played with their new toys, Scott and I got ready for our trip to Arkansas. Around 3 we headed out to see my parents in Mercersburg. The girls had fun seeing them and opening more gifts there. Megan got her fill of Fancy Nancy stuff and Molly got a little of everything.

My parents got both girls these nifty laptop drawing tables. The loved them and were very sad when we had to leave them behind because they didn’t fit in the car well for the long trip ahead. There just wasn’t enough rooom for everything!

The table all set for dinner.

Megan reading to everyone from her new Fancy Nancy book, Bonjour Butterfly.

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