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Monkey Molly

Molly and I had an opportunity to hang out one-on-one tonight while Megan was on a long bike ride with her Daddy. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. First we took her trike over to the school parking lot and she rode around for a bit. And then she rode around the block and back home. Our […]

Hula Karate?

Molly has also been getting in on the hula hoop action.


Ya! Ya! She doesn’t really hula, but she can keep it up a time or two around. And half the time she falls on the ground in a heap of laughter at the end. Or spins like crazy. She is such a […]

Mother's Day at the Park

In honor of Mother’s Day today, we took a picnic lunch to the park in New Cumberland. It was really windy, so our picnic was a little chilly and rushed. Afterwards, the girls went and played on the play ground a bit, mostly climbing and sliding. Even though the park wasn’t very crowded, it […]

Sprinkling the Girls

Since today was the second day with temperatures in the upper 80’s, the girls were begging to get the sprinkler out. They had a blast getting wet and were sad when it was time to turn it off. The neighbor kids came over and joined in the fun too!



I thought the girls were too cute as they both sat there snuggled under the blankets with their books. Megan’s reading has improved by leaps and bounds this year. She checked this book (The Ugly Duckling) out of the library at the beginning of the year and was overwhelmed by the length and difficulty. […]