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Birthday Party

Saturday afternoon, we had a little birthday party for Molly. My parents came up and Scott’s parents were in from Arkansas for a long-weekend visit. Molly has been obsessed with pigs for a while now, so we decided on an Olivia the Pig birthday theme. I decorated the cake…

Not my best work but […]

Trick or Treat

Here in crazy Central PA, they don’t trick or treat on Halloween night. Ever. They do it on the Thursday before Halloween. Which this year fell on…you guessed it…Molly’s birthday! What a day this girl had.

A practice run at our house 🙂

I made Megan’s princess/fairy costume – she helped pick out […]

Birthday Presents, Part 1

After the parade and the rest of the morning at preschool, Molly came home to open her birthday presents from us. We usually do this separate from the rest of the party and

Here she is opening the much requested Little People Castle. A few weeks before her birthday, we had received a Fisher […]

Halloween Parade

On Molly’s birthday, she also had a Halloween party at school. Oh the horrors of having a birthday near a holiday! Here she is all buckled in dressed as Elmo.

There’s her whole class and teachers, in costume. They had a blast parading around the school gym, showing off their costumes for all […]

Molly Started Preschool

Molly started preschool on October 1. She has been asking all summer long when she gets to go to school, so we started looking for somewhere for her to go. She and Scott visited her new school one day towards the end of September. She jumped right in without so much as a glance back […]