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Christmas 2


Christmas Day


Molly's Christmas Program

Molly’s preschool class put on a Christmas program. The kids all lined up on a little stage and sang us some of the songs they’ve learned this year. We were all very proud of how well Molly did.

Waiting for the show to start…she looks nervous!

She was happy when the bells were […]

O Christmas Tree!

When we started to talk about going to get a Christmas tree this year, Megan started to balk. She said she didn’t want to go cut down a tree. She wanted to use a fake tree so that we wouldn’t have to cut one down. So, even though I really wanted a real tree, we […]

Gingerbread House

Megan’s school put on a Christmas Event called Winterland of Gingerbread. Each child was invited to decorate and bring a gingerbread house to the event which had several holiday themed activities. So I bought a kit and a few days before the event, Megan, Molly and I built and decorated the house.

Both girls […]