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Gingerbread House

Megan’s school put on a Christmas Event called Winterland of Gingerbread. Each child was invited to decorate and bring a gingerbread house to the event which had several holiday themed activities. So I bought a kit and a few days before the event, Megan, Molly and I built and decorated the house.

Both girls were very concerned about the construction. They were convinced that the icing would not hold the house up. For a while, I was concerned, too…but eventually, we got it built!

We decorated both sides of the roof with the same pattern of icing dots. Then each girl decorated one side.

Here is the finished house. We did add some little plastic trees the next day. We glued sparkly pom-poms on the top of them…they added a nice festive touch. We really had a lot of fun decorating the house and I would like to try to make this an annual tradition.

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