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Happy Birthday to me!

Today was my birthday. The big 3-5. Thank goodness it was on a weekend – I enjoyed relaxing with Scott and the girls. We slept in a bit, then Scott went to get pastries from Panera for breakfast. I opened my gifts – they got me lots of good stuff. I think my favorite gift […]


Wow, my baby girl is FIVE. That seems so big, so old, so…not a baby anymore. She really is growing up so fast, seems like just yesterday she was a baby. I keep telling her no matter what, she’ll always be my “baby”. As she gets older, […]

{this moment}

{this moment} – A weekly ritual. A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

Inspired by SouleMama.

P.S. Hope to be back soon with photos of all our fall fun.


Happy Birthday to Scott!

We celebrated Scott’s birthday while we were on our trip. He turned 35 – he keeps pointing out that he’s half-way to 70! As we get older and older, we keep marveling at the fact that we’ve been together for more of our lives than not.

Rather than a cake, he requested a cherry pie. […]


Megan turned 7 yesterday. For some reason, 7 seems so much older than 6 to me. It just hit me that it’s only a few years till the “double digits” and that she’s more than halfway to being a teenager. She seems so grown up these days. And so tall!

We started the day at […]