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Homemade Pizza

We had homemade pizza for dinner tonight. When I was growing up, this was a Friday night tradition in our house. As we got older, friends were always welcome to come over and it was always a fun way to end the week.

Scott and I made homemade pizza a lot when we were first married. After having kids, we didn’t make it so often. Recently, I’ve started to make it again. Scott and I still prefer the “standard” recipe, with mushrooms and olives. The girls are a little more particular, and they prefer to have white sauce on theirs. Megan has olives only, and Molly tries a little of everything on theirs.

The girls have been requesting pizza for dinner fairly regularly – homemade, not “bought” pizza. I guess it’s time to add this one back into our regular, weekly meal lineup. Even though it’s kind of a lot of work, it makes me happy to make pizza from scratch for the family. It warms my heart that a tradition I treasured so much growing up will hopefully touch our girls lives, too.

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