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S’mores and a Fire

While Scott was on his bike camping trip to Pinchot, the girls and I opted to go visit my parents. After a yummy dinner and the girls’ carrot eating challenge, we (meaning my mom and dad) built a fire in the chimnea. Good thing, because it was chilly. And there was a breeze. And I […]

Flower Walk

It was so nice out the other day, that the girls and I took a long walk around the block. Scott and I had done some tuning on my camera, so I decided to take it along and try it out on the spring flowers.

I think tulips are my favorite.

We do […]

Happy Easter

We had a great family day today. Started off early when the girls woke me up asking to see if the Easter Bunny had brought them anything. We tried not to over-do it this year, since they have so many toys already…so just a few things. They both seemed happy with their baskets.



Usually Molly is such a happy girl, but she sure was a grump this evening. She’s still cute…

Spring flowers

The office where I work has a pretty flowering tree in front. It’s always among the first to bloom…and I always miss taking a photo of it. Thanks to my handy-dandy new phone…no more. I can blog from it too 🙂 Happy spring!