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The old swing

We visited Nana Caroccia this weekend in Jersey Shore. Scott and a friend went on an over night bike trip on the Pine Creek Rail Trail, so it was just the girls. We had a nice time visiting and the girls had a blast playing with Nana’s toys and of course, swinging on the […]


Today the girls wore new dresses that I picked up for them yesterday at the outlet mall. They loved them, and they really liked having matching shoes, too! I love the dresses on them – I can see them getting a lot of wear – aren’t they cute?

In other news, I discovered today […]


Megan loves to swing…she always has. She can get so high that sometimes it scares me – and even more so when I think that she’ll probably be jumping off sometime soon! She just looks like she’s flying, so happy and carefree. Whee!


The Swingset

We got Megan and Molly a swingset this summer since we don’t have a park in walking distance. Scott put it together in the backyard under the supervision of Megan. From my understanding that meant he worked as quickly as he could to put it together while Megan asked every 15 seconds “Daddy, why […]