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Mama's got a brand new bag!

Ok, so it’s a dorky title. But I’m just so darn proud of myself. I had to show off my latest creation. I made this bag all by myself! I found an awesome tutorial online and ended up with this great bag. I wasn’t sure how well it would go on my first attempt, […]


They had this neat-o pre-shirred fabric at Joann’s and I thought it would be fun to make the girls sundresses out of it. With Molly’s, I decided to make the skirt tiered, so that it would be more twirly. I think hers came out adorable.

I had planned to do the same with Megan’s, […]

Megan is 5 today!

We had a great day together today. She woke up early-ish and came in to ask me if she was 5 yet. I said of course, gave her a big hug and told her “Happy birthday”. It was cold so I asked if she wanted to snuggle for a few minutes – she crawled right […]

Megan's Birthday Skirt

I got Megan a shirt for her birthday that needed bottoms, so I decided to try making her a twirly skirt. I found some tutorials on the web, but just didn’t follow them well. I think I’m the kind of person who needs very specific and step by step instructions, so I found a pattern […]

Scott's Balaclava

Scott has been complaining that his face gets really cold on his nightly bike rides since it’s been sub-freezing and all. If you wonder why he’s riding his bike every night, in cold weather, see his New Year’s Resolutions! He’s been asking for a Balaclava for a while, and I’d never seen one in […]