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Hippos for Molly

I finished up a dress for Molly yesterday during their naps – long, due to the rainy day fun 🙂 She was pleased to model it for me when she woke up. I’ll make a bright pink pair of leggings to wear underneath for when it’s cooler. She really liked it.

And a closeup […]

Fall Wardrobe for Megan

I participate in a group called The Fabric Obsession. It’s a coop group of fabric addicted ladies who like to collect fabric sew who pool their purchasing power to get wholesale prices – great fun! In addition to the fabric buys, there folders where we can discuss sewing related questions as well as occasional challenges […]

Lettuce edged skirt for Molly

Last night, I was working on a little skirt for Molly from some knit I found at JoAnn’s a while back. When I realized it was going to be too short for her I decided to see if I could do a lettuce edge on a regular sewing machine rather than a folded hem. I […]

Molly's turn!

I finally finished Molly’s dress like Megan’s last weekend. It ended up just being too much fabric, so I cut the bottom tier down and shortened it. I think it still twirls pretty well 🙂 Molly loved it – Scott said that when she wore it she told everyone “Mommy sewed this dress for […]

Megan's Ladybug Dress

This is my latest creation for Megan…a very twirly strawberry & ladybug dress. I used a McCall’s pattern and made the bodice a size 5. When she tried it on, it was huge and didn’t look good at all. So I had to remake the bodice in a size 4. While I was […]