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Megan’s first band concert

Megan had her first band concert tonight. She started playing the flute in October and has improved dramatically over the past few months. They played a few very short songs in unison, but it was pretty neat to see that they could play together in such a short time.

She wanted to make sure […]

Last day of School

Molly’s last day of school was Tuesday, June 5th and Megan’s was Friday, June 8th. Look how much they have grown up over the past 9 months. Both received glowing reports from their teachers. Megan will be starting 4th grade in the fall and Molly will be going to first grade.

First Day:

Last […]

Molly’s First Day of Preschool

Today was Molly’s first day of preschool (for the second year). She has been very excited for weeks about going back. The big day had finally arrived and she was so excited. She looks a little nervous, doesn’t she?

A close-up of her fat lip. She banged her chin on the table on Sunday, […]

Second Grade

Right before we left for Pine Creek (in between our two trips) the UPS man delivered the materials for second grade. We got around to opening them over the weekend. For those of us who love new books and learning, it was like Christmas! Megan was excited and asked if we could start right away! […]

Molly’s Last Day of Preschool

Molly finished up her first year of preschool today. The class put on a little program of the songs that they had learned during the year. Then there were ice cream and cupcakes afterward. She is looking forward to the break this summer, but I’m sure she’ll miss her friends. We have notes from […]