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Megan was just racing around the yard like a crazy person and kept saying, “Try to catch me, try to catch me.” She had so much energy to burn off and was having a blast just running around. I was thrilled to get such a great shot of her in all that madness – […]

Spring is coming!

Just some photos from our walk today 🙂 […]

Fun with light

Megan was having a blast running around the backyard throwing this ball all around, and I really wanted to get a photo of her. The problem was that it was getting dark and I couldn’t get a good sharp picture. So I decided to play with a longer exposure, and this is what we ended […]

I got a new toy!

So, my birthday is coming up in just a few days. Scott got me a new digital camera. It’s a Pentax K100D. It’s not something I necessarily needed, but it’s someting I’ve been wanting. And I am going to be 30, after all, so he wanted to do something special.

I had a film […]

Day at the park

We had so much fun at the park this day, just Megan and I. She ran around from place to place, trying out all the equipment while I tried to take some pictures of her and played with the camera.

Of course, when she was on the swings, all she could say was “Mommy, […]