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Pine Creek Weekend – Day 3

Sunday was our last day at the cabin – never long enough. I really am going to go on a whole week vacation up there some day.

The day started off rainy and we were concerned we might be stuck inside for the day. Luckily the sun came out so we went for a walk […]

{this moment}

Something new…

{this moment} – A Friday ritual. A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

Inspired by SouleMama.

Flower Walk

It was so nice out the other day, that the girls and I took a long walk around the block. Scott and I had done some tuning on my camera, so I decided to take it along and try it out on the spring flowers.

I think tulips are my favorite.

We do […]

Spring flowers

The office where I work has a pretty flowering tree in front. It’s always among the first to bloom…and I always miss taking a photo of it. Thanks to my handy-dandy new phone…no more. I can blog from it too 🙂 Happy spring!

Impromptu Fall Photos

The weather has been so nice and the leaves are starting to change colors. I had been wanting to get out for a walk and get some photos of the leaves, but instead ended up taking pictures of the girls. I was really happy with out these impromptu photos of the girls came out! […]