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While we were in Piggott visiting Scott’s parents, the girls really enjoyed the horses (and the donkey) that live next door. One evening after dinner, we took some apples out to see if we could tempt the horses to come closer to the fence. They did, and the girls were thrilled. They both loved seeing […]


After some lunch, air conditioning and visiting, the girls went out to blow bubbles…I think I had as much fun trying to capture photos as they did blowing them.


4th of July

We traveled to Piggott, Arkansas on July 1 and 2 to visit Scott’s family over the 4th of July and his birthday. On Saturday, the 3rd, Piggott held their Independence Day celebrations. We went to the parade and then to ride carnival rides.

The girls had a good time watching the parade, but I think […]

Cheesy Monkey Girls

The girls still love the swing set. The climb all over it, swing, slide, and generally act like monkeys. They were showing off their acrobatic skills and decided to get up on the bar at the same time…

Here’s what happens when you tell them to say “Cheese”…although this time (as they do frequently) […]

{this moment}

{this moment} – A Friday ritual. A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

Inspired by SouleMama.

Couldn’t decide on just one this week. Have a great weekend!
