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That’s what my kids are, I swear. I took them outside after dinner tonight to play in the backyard a bit, and they were both climbing all over the swing set. Apparently, they had some steam to burn off. Megan loves to slide headfirst down the slide and hang upside down and Molly wants […]


Molly is a little jumping bean these days. She loves to jump. She can finally get both feet off the floor and she is so proud. She squats down and says “Zshump” (Jump in Molly-speak) before she does it, then she gets such a happy look on her face when she does it. I’ll be […]


The Halloween costumes have been chosen! Megan is going to be a witch and Molly is going to be a black cat. Megan’s making her “scary witch” fact in the picture above, I guess she’s planning to scare the candy out of people this year! Molly was tickled to be dressed up as a kitty. […]

Grammy Stone

This picture of Molly reminds me of Grammy Stone, my dad’s mom. My parents have said before that they see some of her in Molly, and this picture really did it for me. I never really saw it before until Molly was wandering around the yard making this face – I had to capture […]

The Swingset

We got Megan and Molly a swingset this summer since we don’t have a park in walking distance. Scott put it together in the backyard under the supervision of Megan. From my understanding that meant he worked as quickly as he could to put it together while Megan asked every 15 seconds “Daddy, why […]