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Riding Lessons

We took the girls over to the school parking lot near our house to practice riding their bikes. Megan rode a few times without her training wheels last year, so we wanted to see how it would go without them this year. She did ok, but she really needs to regain her confidence. She […]


Megan loves to swing…she always has. She can get so high that sometimes it scares me – and even more so when I think that she’ll probably be jumping off sometime soon! She just looks like she’s flying, so happy and carefree. Whee!


Sweet Sisters

The girls held hands like this almost the entire way around the block. No squealing, pinching, fighting, or pushing. Just holding hands and walking. Why can’t they get along this well every day?

Happy Valentine's Day

Here is a photo of the girls from this morning. I gave the girls each one of these flowers & Scott picked them up some Reese’s peanut butter hearts. They were in heaven 🙂 Megan was all excited to pass out her Valentines at school and Molly was just happy to be wearing her […]

Molly's new bed

We finally had to move Molly out of her crib. After catching her hoisting herself over the railing and trying to climb out (probably about 5 seconds from face planting herself on the carpet) we decided it was time to get out the toddler bed for Molly. She is very excited about her new bed […]