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We just got the girls tucked into bed after watching the “Grand Finale” fireworks for the city of Harrisburg’s three day Musical Festival over the 4th of July (sorry – no pictures!) Megan didn’t stop talking the entire time. “When is it going to start? How long is it going to last? Why are there […]

Molly's turn!

I finally finished Molly’s dress like Megan’s last weekend. It ended up just being too much fabric, so I cut the bottom tier down and shortened it. I think it still twirls pretty well 🙂 Molly loved it – Scott said that when she wore it she told everyone “Mommy sewed this dress for […]

Peek a boo!

Just a fun picture of Molly from today. This is her favorite place to hide when the girls play hide & seek in our back yard. Note that there are only 2 places to hide there, and one involves climbing into the flowerbeds which isn’t really encouraged 🙂


Fun Long Weekend!

We had such a fun weekend. Having three days off was great, and I wish we could do it more often. Saturday, we just kind of hung out together around the house. While the girls napped, I went to Joann’s and picked up a few things at the Memorial Day sale. I picked up a […]

Happy Mother's Day to Me!

Scott was quite good to me this year for Mother’s Day! He got me a new lens for my camera – a 50mm F1.4. All of today’s photos were taken with it and I can see this one quickly becoming my favorite. It is so clear an sharp, even to look through the […]