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Happy National S’mores Day!

I learned this morning that today is National S’mores Day. August 10, every year. How could I have missed that? Since we had all the main ingredients in the kitchen, I could hardly resist. I have seen several recipes for s’mores bars around the internet and thought that would be a fun way to mix […]

Pine Creek

We spent a long weekend at Pine Creek last weekend and I wanted to share some photos. We arrived on Friday and it was hot and sticky. The creek was low and warm, the flies were kind of pesky and it was almost too hot for a fire & s’mores, but we still had […]

This evening’s entertainment

The girls put on a show with their hula hoops this evening, first demonstrating their technique. Megan’s turn first.

Then Molly.

Then they moved on to “horse” tricks, jumping through the hoops.

After the grand finale…

we walked to the playground. When we got back home, we […]

Fancy Ladies…

on the move? They came downstairs all decked out in their fancy dresses, carrying all these bags. They were fancy ladies looking for a new place to live. Lucky for them, we have a room in our house that already has 2 beds in it – perfect for some homeless fancy ladies and their pets.



I think the photos speak for themselves…