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Hippos for Molly

I finished up a dress for Molly yesterday during their naps – long, due to the rainy day fun 🙂 She was pleased to model it for me when she woke up. I’ll make a bright pink pair of leggings to wear underneath for when it’s cooler. She really liked it.

And a closeup […]

Rainy Day Fun

It rained a good part of the day yesterday and the kids were full of pent-up energy (donuts for breakfast anyone?) so I bundled them into play clothes, raincoats and boots, and took them outside for some puddle jumping. They had an absolute blast.

Before they were too wet:

And just getting started. […]

While Scott sleeps…

I came home from work to a quiet house. I knew that something was going on because the girls are almost always awake when I come in. I see that Scott has dozed off on the couch reading a book. I am surprised the girls are so quiet upstairs. I head up to look […]


We spent the night at my parents’ house in Mercersburg and my dad planned a bonfire for that evening. I think that the girls were excited at the prospect of staying up late eating marshmallows! Here they are all set up on the blanket, waiting for the fire to be lit. Note that we […]

Lettuce edged skirt for Molly

Last night, I was working on a little skirt for Molly from some knit I found at JoAnn’s a while back. When I realized it was going to be too short for her I decided to see if I could do a lettuce edge on a regular sewing machine rather than a folded hem. I […]