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The Pumpkin Patch and more apples!

We made a trip back out to Paulus Orchards to go to the pumpkin patch since the weather was so nice this weekend. The girls had fun scouting around the patch to find the perfect pumpkins.

Megan proudly shows off her pumpkin.

It was also the last weekend that they were offering […]

The old swing

We visited Nana Caroccia this weekend in Jersey Shore. Scott and a friend went on an over night bike trip on the Pine Creek Rail Trail, so it was just the girls. We had a nice time visiting and the girls had a blast playing with Nana’s toys and of course, swinging on the […]

Impromptu Fall Photos

The weather has been so nice and the leaves are starting to change colors. I had been wanting to get out for a walk and get some photos of the leaves, but instead ended up taking pictures of the girls. I was really happy with out these impromptu photos of the girls came out! […]

Yay Molly!

From a Google Talk Conversation with Scott today:

11:52 AM Scott: guess what molly did. 11:53 AM me: oh no. what? Scott: she went upstairs all by herself. and got on the toilet all by herself. and tinkled all by herself. me: yay! can you hear me cheering from here? Scott: yes. me: that’s awesome. […]

Apple Picking 2008

Every year on the weekend of my birthday, for the past 4 years, we have gone apple picking. Since moving here, Paulus Orchards has been our orchard of choice. Anyway, with the rainy weekend forecast, I was really bummed that we weren’t going to be able to go. When the scattered showers forecast for today […]