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Look Ma, no Training Wheels!

Two summers ago, Scott took the training wheels of Megan’s bike at her request, and she did great. But then there was a school event that required her to ride around the school playground. For that, he put them back on, because her control wasn’t quite that good yet. Then last summer, she refused […]

Easter Morning

On Easter Morning, the girls were up before us (as always!) and came down to dig into their baskets. The Easter Bunny had also left egg cartons out for them, but they couldn’t figure out what to do with them! Once I asked “What would you put in there if you could find it?” Megan […]

Interview with Molly

1. What is something mom always says to you? Don’t push. 2. What makes mom happy? Play. 3. What makes mom sad? Push. 4. How does your mom make you laugh? By tickling. 5. What was your mom like as a child? You were 6. 6. How old is your mom? 2 7. How […]

Chocolate icing fun!

The girls helped made dessert for one evening’s dinner. They helped Patsy make cupcakes and then they decorated them. Megan confided in Patsy that she hoped there would be a little frosting left, so she could eat some….

A dream come true…chocolate frosting right out of the container!


A day at the Park

While in Arkansas, we had fabulous weather. We didn’t even need heavy coats the entire time we were there. We took advantage of the lovely weather and went to the park one day. The girls had a blast running, climbing, and just being outside.

Megan climbed all the way up the “rock” wall herself. […]