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Fall Fun Crafty Day!

The girls were in need of some craftiness, so after getting them to help me clean up the craft cabinet, we did some fun fall projects!

The first project was Megan’s idea entirely – she described it to me while we were sorting through art supplies. We traced everyone’s hands onto fall-colored construction paper and […]

Apple Picking

The weather has been so nice that we made our first trip to Paulus Orchards a bit early this year. We picked Jonathon, Gala and Cortland apples. The Cortlands were reserved for pie 🙂

The girls had fun, but Molly was a bit terrified of the yellow jackets that were hanging out in the […]

Skeleton Girlies!

IMGP2301, originally uploaded by PA_Christie.

I ordered these glow in the dark, skeleton jammies for the girls and they came today. They had to put them on immediately and wore them to bed tonight. They both thought they were the coolest thing. I have a feeling I’m going to get my money’s worth out […]

Look Ma, no wings!

Megan took the plunge this weekend. She decided to give swimming without water wings a try. She took them of and held onto the edge, then said, “Hey Grandpa, watch this!” She was going to try to float, but we convinced her to try to swim instead. Once she realized she could she would […]

Sweet Molly

This is my favorite photo of Molly from our adventures this evening. It reminds me of how fast Molly is growing up into a young lady – she’s definitely not a baby anymore (even though she’s still teeny-tiny!) She wakes up happy and she goes to bed happy. Of course, she’s 3, so she […]