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Trick or Treat

Here in crazy Central PA, they don’t trick or treat on Halloween night. Ever. They do it on the Thursday before Halloween. Which this year fell on…you guessed it…Molly’s birthday! What a day this girl had.

A practice run at our house 🙂

I made Megan’s princess/fairy costume – she helped pick out […]

Halloween Parade

On Molly’s birthday, she also had a Halloween party at school. Oh the horrors of having a birthday near a holiday! Here she is all buckled in dressed as Elmo.

There’s her whole class and teachers, in costume. They had a blast parading around the school gym, showing off their costumes for all […]

Happy birthday to Me!

Guess what I got? A new laptop and I love it!

Skeleton Girlies!

IMGP2301, originally uploaded by PA_Christie.

I ordered these glow in the dark, skeleton jammies for the girls and they came today. They had to put them on immediately and wore them to bed tonight. They both thought they were the coolest thing. I have a feeling I’m going to get my money’s worth out […]

Mother's Day at the Park

In honor of Mother’s Day today, we took a picnic lunch to the park in New Cumberland. It was really windy, so our picnic was a little chilly and rushed. Afterwards, the girls went and played on the play ground a bit, mostly climbing and sliding. Even though the park wasn’t very crowded, it […]