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Girl Scouts Rock the Mall

This year Girl Scouting celebrates its 100th anniversary. Throughout the year, there have been celebrations in honor of the anniversary. The final event of the year was a huge sing-along held on June 9th at the Mall in Washington DC. Since we live within an easy bus trip of DC, our Brownie troop rode a […]

Girl Scout trip to Franklin Institute

Our Brownie troop took a trip to the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia over the weekend. The girls all seemed to have a good time. I did too, other than counting to 5 over and over again to make sure we didn’t lose anyone!

In addition to going around the museum, we also saw a planetarium […]


Our Girl Scout Camporee was last weekend. That means girls from lots of troops in our area all met at Camp Small Valley in Halifax for a weekend of camping fun. We shared a space with another Daisy troop and a Cadette troop. Five girls from our troop were able to go. Because of the […]

Girl Scout Camp Training

Over the weekend, I went to training for taking my Girl Scout troop camping. I learned several new outdoor cooking methods that would be good for a group of younger girls and can’t wait to try them out. Part of the training was learning to build a fire – we had to build […]