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Happy National S’mores Day!

I learned this morning that today is National S’mores Day. August 10, every year. How could I have missed that? Since we had all the main ingredients in the kitchen, I could hardly resist. I have seen several recipes for s’mores bars around the internet and thought that would be a fun way to mix […]

Happy Birthday to Scott!

We celebrated Scott’s birthday while we were on our trip. He turned 35 – he keeps pointing out that he’s half-way to 70! As we get older and older, we keep marveling at the fact that we’ve been together for more of our lives than not.

Rather than a cake, he requested a cherry pie. […]

S’mores and a Fire

While Scott was on his bike camping trip to Pinchot, the girls and I opted to go visit my parents. After a yummy dinner and the girls’ carrot eating challenge, we (meaning my mom and dad) built a fire in the chimnea. Good thing, because it was chilly. And there was a breeze. And I […]


Even though we have been dong the pizza thing for a while lately, I haven’t made bread with the leftover dough. We’ve been making cinnamon rolls instead. Tonight I decided we needed a change. Can’t wait to toast some of this for breakfast tomorrow morning and drizzle some honey on it…yum.


Homemade Pizza

We had homemade pizza for dinner tonight. When I was growing up, this was a Friday night tradition in our house. As we got older, friends were always welcome to come over and it was always a fun way to end the week.

Scott and I made homemade pizza a lot when we were […]