I learned this morning that today is National S’mores Day. August 10, every year. How could I have missed that? Since we had all the main ingredients in the kitchen, I could hardly resist. I have seen several recipes for s’mores bars around the internet and thought that would be a fun way to mix it up since we can’t exactly build a fire in our back yard. We didn’t have all the ingredients for any one recipe, so we kind of made it up as we went along – the girls did most of the hard work while I took photos 🙂
Molly crunched up some graham crackers.
Megan sliced up the big marshmallows we had into smaller pieces.
Then they mixed the crushed up graham crackers into some melted butter. I also added a little salt and some sugar, but after tasting them, I think we could have done without the sugar.
Molly buttered the pan.
Then we pressed the graham cracker crumbly mess into the bottom of the pan. Molly had the bright idea of using Nutella. Since we only had a little bit left, I thought “Why not?” On top of the Nutella they scattered about half a bag of chocolate chunks. Then they arranged the marshmallows on top.
We had set aside a little of the graham cracker crumb mixture to sprinkle over the top. Here they are jockeying to see who can do sprinkle more of it.
We baked them for about 20 minutes till they got nice and toasty brown on top.
I let them cool for a bit, and then we cut into them. They were hard to cut because they were so sticky – I think refrigerating them would have helped a lot, but there wasn’t time for that before bedtime. Two happy girls:
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