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Flower Walk

It was so nice out the other day, that the girls and I took a long walk around the block.  Scott and I had done some tuning on my camera, so I decided to take it along and try it out on the spring flowers.

I think tulips are my favorite.

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We do a lot of following the leader on these walks…guess who likes to be in the front?


Or maybe daffodils are my favorite?

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The bush that these flowers are on is about a block from our house. It always has such pretty red flowers.  I wish I knew what kind of bush it was so I could get one for our yard.


My girls – they are always so happy when we are outside.

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Some more tulips – I just thought they were pretty growing up alongside the house like that.  And I think I like tulips better.


And a photo of Scott watching the girls ride their bikes & scooters. After our walk, they wanted to go practice riding in the church parking lot.  Sorry,  no more kiddo pictures, only a Scott-o picture 🙂


P.S. I think my camera is working again.  I’m so happy.

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