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Day at the park

We had so much fun at the park this day, just Megan and I. She ran around from place to place, trying out all the equipment while I tried to take some pictures of her and played with the camera.

Of course, when she was on the swings, all she could say was “Mommy, put the camera down and push me. Higher, higher!” So, I did.

Megan loves the swings. I wonder what it is…maybe feeling like she’s flying through the air. Free like a bird. Strangely, she prefers the “baby” swings to the “big kid” swings. I think the harness makes her feel safe. Which is ok by me, because it doesn’t scare me nearly as much when she lets go of the chains for a minute that way!

Ah, well, I wish we lived closer to the park so that we could go more often. And I just wish we had more time altogether to spend time there. She loves it, and it makes me happy to see her so happy. Posted by Picasa

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