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The Swingset

We got Megan and Molly a swingset this summer since we don’t have a park in walking distance. Scott put it together in the backyard under the supervision of Megan. From my understanding that meant he worked as quickly as he could to put it together while Megan asked every 15 seconds “Daddy, why isn’t it done yet? You’re taking too long!” This swingset is honestly the best $150 we’ve spent in years. The girls love it – they go out and swing nearly every day.

At first, Molly really only rode in her swing. Now, she loves to climb up the slide ladder, swing on the glider and even try out the big kid swing. We might have to replace the baby swing next spring with the other big kid swing!

Megan taught herself to pump her legs to make herself go in only a few days. She loved the glider when we first got the swingset, too. Now, she likes sliding on the slide every which way (think head-first, on her back) and hanging upside down on the bars on the end.

Here are some pictures of the girls on their swingset from last weekend. You can see that they really have a blast playing on that thing!

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