Apparently they started on their math workbooks today and Megan was excited about it. She had some activity sheets with some numbers to cut out and some various shapes, kind of like the pattern blocks. Along with her “homework”, we received a note about their math curriculum and the need for her to have a “Homework Helper”. There is a form that they expect us to fill in and send back with the name of her helper filled in. Um, I thought that it was kind of a given that we were both her “Homework Helpers”, as her parents without needing to fill in a form about it. So far, I’ve been pretty happy with how things seem to be going, but I’m really a little puzzled on this one.
Megan brought home her first WEB (can’t remember what that stands for!) book yesterday. It was about kites. She sat down on the couch with Scott and read it straight through, only getting stuck briefly on the word animal. Then she read it to me again in the evening, and even read most of the comprehension questions on the back all by herself. I’m thinking she might need to move up a level – it was way easy for her and not a challenge at all! I’m so proud of her reading skills and she is progressing so quickly. She is learning to break down words into parts she can figure out and learning all other kinds of strategies for figuring out words she is unsure of.
We printed out the list of words that the Kindergartners are expected to know by sight by the end of the year and showed it to her. We casually asked if she could read any of them – she went straight down the list of 60+ words and read them all! Scott mentioned this to her teacher the other day and she said she had recognized that Megan was pretty bright. She said that she’d track down the 1st grade word list so we could work on that with her instead 🙂 I was happy with that response, because I really want her to continue to be challenged and do not want to see her bored in school.
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