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Delaware Beach Vacation

We went to Delaware for a week to visit the beach. We stayed in a house with my parents, Phil & Kathy, and Aunt Sara’s family – 17 people in all! The house was in Broadkill Beach, DE, and was pretty nice. It was a fun week and went way too quickly!

[flickr]photo:7432477788[/flickr] Day […]

Girl Scouts Rock the Mall

This year Girl Scouting celebrates its 100th anniversary. Throughout the year, there have been celebrations in honor of the anniversary. The final event of the year was a huge sing-along held on June 9th at the Mall in Washington DC. Since we live within an easy bus trip of DC, our Brownie troop rode a […]

Last day of School

Molly’s last day of school was Tuesday, June 5th and Megan’s was Friday, June 8th. Look how much they have grown up over the past 9 months. Both received glowing reports from their teachers. Megan will be starting 4th grade in the fall and Molly will be going to first grade.

First Day:

Last […]