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Paulus Orchards 2011

We have been going to Paulus Orchards every year since we moved to the area. Before that, we took Megan to Eckert’s in St. Louis every fall. It is one of my favorite fall family traditions – I hope the girls don’t grow out of it any time soon. This year, we took one of the girls’ friends along, and they all had a great time. The photos don’t really require much of an explanation.

[flickr]photo:6183734594[/flickr] [flickr]photo:6183734874[/flickr] [flickr]photo:6183734260[/flickr] [flickr]photo:6183734360[/flickr] [flickr]photo:6183735350[/flickr] [flickr]photo:6183735484[/flickr] [flickr]photo:6183215261[/flickr] [flickr]photo:6183735678[/flickr] [flickr]photo:6183735974[/flickr] [flickr]photo:6183215675[/flickr

And the traditional…lots of apples in the tree photo.


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