Today was my birthday. The big 3-5. Thank goodness it was on a weekend – I enjoyed relaxing with Scott and the girls. We slept in a bit, then Scott went to get pastries from Panera for breakfast. I opened my gifts – they got me lots of good stuff. I think my favorite gift is going to be the “One Line a Day” journal that Scott gave me. A few years from now, it will be neat to look back and see what we did on the same day each year. Later in the day, we went to Macaroni Grill for a late lunch/early dinner. Had my favorite, Mushroom Ravioli, and a glass of yummy chianti. Followed by birthday cake at home.
They were kind enough to let me do what I wanted for the rest of the day, so I spent most the day sewing sewing myself a new purse. I’ve been carrying one I made over a year ago, and have been in the mood for something new for quite a while. I used the “Phoebe” bag tutorial I found online. I added extra pockets and used fusible fleece interfacing on the outer layers. I love how it came out. I loaded all my stuff into it and it seems to fit ok (without much room to spare, which is a good thing). Click the photo to see additional views. I can’t wait to start using it!
All in all, a wonderful birthday.
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