Megan got a scooter for Christmas a few years ago, and this spring she has really been riding it a lot. Of course, that meant Molly wanted to get in on the action. We decided to go ahead and get her one, too, and they’ve been riding them nearly every day they can play outside since then!
Molly started out a little rough, but within a few weeks she is sailing around the driveway like her sister. Her balance has gotten really good and she has learned all sorts of good tricks, too. Much to our relief, she also finally learned to use the brakes!
This is Molly in the early weeks of riding. She decided it would be best to wear her helmet so she didn’t get hurt if she fell. And it’s hard to tell, but Megan is actually jumping her scooter while she rides along.
A few weeks later…Molly balancing as she cruises along.
Doing tricks…
Just being plain goofy.
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