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Molly’s First Day of Preschool

Today was Molly’s first day of preschool (for the second year). She has been very excited for weeks about going back.  The big day had finally arrived and she was so excited.  She looks a little nervous, doesn’t she?


A close-up of her fat lip.  She banged her chin on the table on Sunday, bled a lot, and now has this to show for it.  I guess it’s not that bad.


This is Megan’s unofficial first day of school picture.  She actually started 2nd grade last Wednesday, but we didn’t take photos that day.  To be honest, I think she stayed in her PJ’s all day, since that’s something she can do with cyber school 🙂


Both girls, ready to go.  This was the only photo I got with Molly smiling – she’s smiling at the neighbor!


It sounds like she had a great day.  She claims to like this class even better than last year.  I hope she has a good second year of preschool and learns lots of new things!

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