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Pine Creek Day 2 – Saturday

Saturday at Pine Creek was a busy day and I’m behind on the blog…so I’m giving the non-wordy, photo heavy version.

Molly started the day here:

Mom and I went for a canoe ride while the kids played with Dad in the creek. So peaceful…

Dad used his net to catch the the […]

Pine Creek Weekend

While Scott was at Grandfather Mountain‘s Nature Photography Weekend in North Carolina with his PDML buddies, the girls and I met Mom and Dad up at Pine Creek for a weekend mini-vacation. Kassidy and Aaron arrived over Memorial Day weekend, so we’ve been trying to spend as much time as possible with them, so they […]

{this moment}

{this moment} – A Friday ritual. A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

Inspired by SouleMama.