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Molly’s Tomato Plant

Due to our lack of space, I decided to try the “Topsy Turvy” Tomato Planter this year for Molly’s Grape Tomato plant in order to free up more space for the Romas.  Molly LOVES summer time when the tomatoes start to ripen.  I think that while she’s playing outside during the day, she eats them by the dozen.   Straight off the vine.

Topsy Turvy Tomatoes

It’s hanging up on the back porch.  I can barely reach to water it, but she’ll be able to reach the fruit when they start to ripen.  Look a these cute little guys…

Baby Tomatoes

And lots more blossoms getting ready to bloom.


This plant is growing faster than all my other tomato plants I bought at the same time.  I think it’s the potting soil we used in the planter, but it seems effective!  I think we’ll try strawberries like this next year 🙂

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