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Lightning Bugs

Megan had a friend over to spend the night yesterday. They were midway through a movie, on the couch with snacks when they realized the lightning bugs were outside. They decided they needed to go catch some and took off to the back yard. It was sort of late, but they sure did have […]

Pansies are my favorite

Just one shot of the pansies I transplanted into my flower beds earlier this spring from Nana’s house. She has had them in her flower beds ever since I can remember. They were always there when I was a little girl, playing in the shade on the side of her house in the summer time. […]

Cheesy Monkey Girls

The girls still love the swing set. The climb all over it, swing, slide, and generally act like monkeys. They were showing off their acrobatic skills and decided to get up on the bar at the same time…

Here’s what happens when you tell them to say “Cheese”…although this time (as they do frequently) […]

{this moment}

{this moment} – A Friday ritual. A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

Inspired by SouleMama.

Couldn’t decide on just one this week. Have a great weekend!


Cleaning up!

I never thought I’d see the day…this is the girl who used to run away at the sight of the vacuum cleaner! She was nervous at first, but then she realized it wasn’t so bad and even went down the hall with it!