Molly finished up her first year of preschool today. The class put on a little program of the songs that they had learned during the year. Then there were ice cream and cupcakes afterward. She is looking forward to the break this summer, but I’m sure she’ll miss her friends. We have notes from several with their numbers to arrange play dates for the summertime. She’ll be going back to the same preschool in the fall. She loved her teachers Mrs. Hall and Mrs. Fowler. They really were great with the kids and we will miss them!
Molly has grown and changed so much since she started preschool. Look how little she was way back in October. She’s growing up, and growing out of being a baby. At almost 4 and a half, she really has a mind of her own, and quite a personality, too. She’s becoming less shy as she gets older, and she loves to ham it up. I can really picture her being a class clown someday. Watch out world!
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