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Fort Hunter

First Lost Tooth

First Lost Tooth, originally uploaded by PA_Christie.

Megan lost her first tooth. Finally. After wiggling it since early in the summer. It has been hanging by a thread for weeks. The threat of going to the dentist to get it extracted seemed to finally do the trick. Her bigger tooth is already half way […]

Molly Started Preschool

Molly started preschool on October 1. She has been asking all summer long when she gets to go to school, so we started looking for somewhere for her to go. She and Scott visited her new school one day towards the end of September. She jumped right in without so much as a glance back […]

Cyber School

After a tough first 6 weeks of school, we decided to pull Megan out of the public schools and school her at home using Agora Cyber Charter School. They had spent 6 weeks doing assessments and reviewing things they should have known before even coming to kindergarten. She was very frustrated, very bored, and we […]