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Olivia the Pig Birthday Dress

I made a special birthday dress for the birthday girl. I used the Feliz party dress pattern, which means happy in Spanish. It certainly is a happy dress. It was also a lot of work, but it came together really nicely thanks to a wonderful, step by step sew-along on the Trillium Designs blog.

On the big day, Molly wasn’t feeling up to modeling her dress much, and had to be coaxed. I couldn’t get a good shot of her away from the furniture unless she was twirling!

This dress has a very full, ruffly skirt that is great for twirling. It’s also so long that I think it will fit her well into next year and even beyond. The top is adjustable too, so it should be plenty big for years to come!

Look at all those ruffles on the skirt. Even though it was a lot of work, this dress was so much fun to sew. Sewing this style of clothing was one of the reasons I wanted to learn to sew in the first place. Remind me of that when it’s time to make Megan’s fancy, special birthday dress!
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