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Molly Started Preschool

Molly started preschool on October 1. She has been asking all summer long when she gets to go to school, so we started looking for somewhere for her to go. She and Scott visited her new school one day towards the end of September. She jumped right in without so much as a glance back at Scott. Because they don’t prorate tuition for a partial month, we had to wait till the first of October to begin. Every day she asked if she could go that day – those few days of waiting were agony!

Molly's First Day of Preschool

Here she is all ready to go to school. She was up early and dressed in record time. While we were waiting for Scott to get back from dropping Megan off at school, we took some time for a few photos. When did my baby get so big? By the way, this is her new “cheese” smile.

Molly's First Day of Preschool

And once we got there, we hung up her coat and backpack. She was so excited to jump in and went right in the classroom. She got to sit next to a new friend Emma and we’ve been hearing all about her lately, along with all the other fun stuff she’s been doing. I’m so glad that she’s happy to be at preschool and so far, all reports from her teachers have been good.

Molly's First Day of Preschool

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